Whistleblower Policy
Whistleblower policy for Golden Barkery Pty Ltd
1. Purpose and availability of policy
(a) Golden Barkery Pty Ltd is committed to a culture of good commercial practice and highly ethical behaviour.(b) This policy deals with issues relating to those employees (or others) who wish to raise issues about whether Golden Barkery Pty Ltd or its employees have complied with applicable laws and other standards of behaviour (such as Golden Barkery Pty Ltd’s policies or codes of conduct).
(c) This policy is available on https://goldenbarkery.com.au/pages/whistleblower-policy.
2. Application
(a) This policy applies to all current and former employees, volunteers and suppliers of Golden Barkery Pty Ltd. Other persons (such as third-party contractors, customers, relatives, dependants or dependants of spouses of any employee) may use the procedures in this policy.(b) In this policy, the people this policy applies to are referred to as an “eligible person” (Eligible Person).
3. Objectives
The objectives of this policy are to:
(a) encourage every Eligible Person to disclose any malpractice, misconduct or conflicts of
interest of which they become aware;
(b) provide protection for every Eligible Person who disclose allegations of malpractice,
misconduct or conflicts of interest; and
(c) indicate when such disclosures will be investigated.4. Policy
4.1. Whistleblower protection
(a) This policy is designed to give guidance so that honesty and integrity are maintained at all times at Golden Barkery Pty Ltd.(b) To the maximum extent practicable, a person who genuinely discloses an allegation or concern about compliance with laws or other standards of behaviour (Whistleblower) will be protected from any adverse action (such as dismissal, demotion, suspension, harassment, or other forms of discrimination) because they have raised such allegations. Subject to this policy, a Whistleblower is protected, even if the allegations prove to be incorrect or unsubstantiated (although a person
who maliciously or vexatiously makes disclosures or makes false disclosures may
be subject to disciplinary action).
(c) Employees who participate, or assist in, an investigation involving reportable
conduct will also be protected. Every effort will be made to protect the anonymity of the Whistleblower, however, there may be situations where anonymity cannot be guaranteed. In such situations, the Whistleblower will be informed.
4.2. Reportable conduct
(a) Reportable conduct that can be the subjected of a protected Whistleblower report is anything the Eligible Person has reasonable grounds to suspect concerns misconduct or an improper state of affair or circumstances.
(b) Examples of things that may be considered misconduct or an improper state of affair or circumstances include:
(i) dishonesty;
(ii) fraud;
(iii) corruption;
(iv) illegal activities (including theft, drug sale/use, violence, threatened
violence, or criminal damage against Golden Barkery Pty Ltd assets/property);
(v) discrimination, vilification, sexual harassment, harassment, bullying and victimisation;
(vi) acts or omissions in breach of commonwealth or state legislation or local authority by-laws;
(vii) unethical behaviour;(viii) other serious improper conduct (including gross mismanagement, serious and substantial waste of Golden Barkery Pty Ltd resources, or repeated breaches of administrative procedures);
(ix) unsafe work-practices;
(x) any other conduct which may cause financial or non-financial loss to Golden
Barkery Pty Ltd or be otherwise detrimental to the interests or reputation of Golden Barkery Pty Ltd, or any of its employees; or
(xi) the deliberate concealment of information tending to show any of the
matters listed above.
4.3. Conduct that is not reportable
This policy does not apply to:
(a) personal work-related grievances;(b) health and safety hazards; or
(c) general employment grievances and complaints by a person about their own
employment or situation.
5. How to speak up about reportable conduct
(b) All disclosures should provide specific, adequate and pertinent information with respect to, among other things, dates, places, persons, witnesses, amounts, and other relevant information, in order to allow for a reasonable investigation to be conducted.
(c) If the Whistleblower’s name disclosed in the disclosure, the person receiving the disclosure will acknowledge having received the disclosure and may initiate a follow-up meeting. However, if the disclosure is submitted on an anonymous basis, there will be no follow-up meeting regarding the disclosure and Golden Barkery Pty Ltd will be unable to communicate with the Whistleblower if more information is required, or if the matter is to be referred to external parties for further investigation.
(d) All disclosures received will be dealt with on a confidential basis and Whistleblowers are encouraged to disclose their identities, to obtain the protection afforded to them at law.
(a) Golden Barkery Pty Ltd recognises that maintaining appropriate confidentiality is crucial in ensuring that potential Whistleblowers come forward and make disclosures in an open and timely manner and without fear of reprisals being made against them.
(c) Any evidence gathered during an investigation, including any materials, documents or records, must be held by the investigator, and held securely.
(d) During the investigation, the investigator will have access to all of the relevant materials, documents, and records. The directors, officers, employees and agents of Golden Barkery Pty Ltd must cooperate fully with the investigator.
(e) Following the investigation, a final report will issue and appropriate action taken where applicable.
8. Support and protection of an Eligible Person following a report(b) submitted in good faith and without any malice or intentionally false allegations;
(c) based on the Whistleblower’s reasonable belief that the alleged conduct, or issue
related to the alleged conduct constitutes, or may constitute, a material breach of a law or other standard of behaviour; and(d) does not result in a personal gain or advantage for the Whistleblower.
9. Communications to the Whistleblower
Golden Barkery Pty Ltd will ensure that, provided the disclosure was not made anonymously, the Whistleblower is kept informed of the outcomes of the investigation of the allegations, subject to the considerations of privacy of those against whom allegations are made.
10. Review of policy
Golden Barkery Pty Ltd will periodically review this policy and update as required.
11. Further information and advice
For further information, refer to other related policies or contact Vedrana Samardzic (hello@goldenbarkery.com.au).